4 Tips to Check Your Mobile App Fit

Mobile Apps get Data from Field Employees
If you have personnel in the field, chances are that getting data from them can be a challenge. Even laptops and tablets can cause issues in the field and web-based forms don’t always work as expected. Mobile apps can lend a great way to get data from the field without extra gear outside of their mobile device.
Mobile Apps for Employees do Offline Better
It is amazing in this day and age that internet connection can be an issue. However, your field personnel will tell you if they cannot connect frequently. Working in lower levels of buildings and in remote locations can cause challenges with connectivity. Consequently, to prevent your field personnel from slowing down due to technical issues, a mobile app for your employees may be the best fit.
Why is this? Mobile apps work offline in a much more graceful way than we applications. Your employees can load the app, enter the data without worrying about internet, and the mobile app will sync the data the next time it sees a connection – easy peasy!
Location is better w/ a Mobile App
While it is true that web applications can get access to a user’s location, mobile apps have an edge. Mobile apps get location permission once and don’t bother the user again. Conversely, a web application will ask the user for permission every time – this can be very frustrating.
Location services can be a great tool to enhancing field personnel routing, time tracking and job costing.
Push Notifications to Employees
Mobile Apps have one last benefit over web applications – push notifications. Push notifications are unique to mobile apps. Further, if you develop an internal mobile app you have the control necessary to make sure push notifications stay on.
Make sure to think about how you will use push notifications so you don’t overwhelm your employees. See this article for statistical recommendations about how many should be sent.
Plaidypus builds Mobile Apps for Organizations
We have been building mobile apps to be used internally for over 8 years now. Plaidypus understands the in’s and out’s of deploying mobile apps through the business app store portals. While we are odd mammals, we don’t bite – so, let’s chat if you want to learn more about a mobile app for your employees.